====== New... ====== **Opens a dialog to create a new text file macro, text file, or a plugin of one of the three types of supported by ImageJ (Plugin, Plugin Filter, Plugin Frame).** **Macro**: opens an new text file. The window a menu called **Macros** that lets you run, evaluate, abort or install it.\\ **Plugin**: Opens, captures or generates images. Implements the PlugIn interface. The prototype displays "Hello world!" in the ImageJ window. Another example is the Step Maker plugin at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/steps.html. \\ **Plugin Filter**: Processes the active image. Implements the PlugInFilter interface. The prototype inverts the active image twice. Another example is the Image Inverter plugin at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/inverter.html. \\ **Plugin Frame**: Displays a nonimage window containing controls such as buttons and sliders. Extends the PlugInFrame class. The prototype opens a window containing a text area. Another example is the IP Demo plugin at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/ip-demo.html. The text windows created by this command has two menus: **File**, **Edit** and **Font**. Use **Compile and Run** in the **File** menu to compile and run the plugin. The **Edit** menu does not contain **Cut/Copy/Paste** but the keyboard shortcuts for these function can be used. Note that the name you choose for the plugin must include at least one underscore. \\ Use **Zap Gremlins** to find and delete extraneous non-code characters (these sometimes appear when cutting and pasting from another sources, for example email messages or some editors. \\