====== Image Calculator ====== **What does the Image Calculator command do ?** Performs arithmetic and logical operations between two images selected from popup menus. //Image1// or both //Image1// and //Image2// can be stacks. If both are stacks, they must have the same number of slices. //Image1// and //Image2// must be the same data type but they do not have to be the same size. [[|{{ http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/docs/images/calculator.jpg?280x282 |[Image Calculator]}}]] You can select one of 12 operators from the //Operation:// popup menu. Check //Create New Window// and a new image or stack will be created to hold the result. Otherwise, the result of the operation replaces some or all of //Image1//. Check "32-bit Result" and the source images will be converted to 32-bit floating point before the specified operation is performed. With 32-bit (float) images, pixels resulting from division by zero are set to //Infinity//, or to //NaN// (Not a Number) if a zero pixel is divided by zero. The divide-by-zero value can be redefined in **//Edit>Options>Miscellaneous>Divide by Zero Value//**. | Add | img1 = img1+img2 | | Subtract | img1 = img1-img2 | | Multiply | img1 = img1*img2 | | Divide | img1 = img1/img2 | | AND | img1= img1 AND img2 | | OR | img1 = img1 OR img2 | | XOR | img1 = img1 XOR img2 | | Min | img1 = min(img1,img2) | | Max | img1 = max(img1,img2) | | Average | img1 = (img1+img2)/2 | | Difference | img1 = ¦img1-img2¦ | | Copy | img1 = img2 | |Transparent Zero zero | pixels of img2 are transparent |