====== Morphological Operators for ImageJ ====== **A collection of ImageJ plugins to perform various morphological operations.** All plugins are recordable. Some macros that make use of those plugins are also included. The Morphology collection and the documentation are based at https://blog.bham.ac.uk/intellimic/g-landini-software/ The plugins and macros include: * BinaryConditionalDilate_.class, * BinaryConditionalErode_.class * BinaryConnectivity_.class * BinaryDilate_.class * BinaryDilateNoMerge4_.class * BinaryDilateNoMerge8_.class * BinaryErode_.class * BinaryPrune.txt (macro) * BinaryFill_.class * Fill_Border_Holes.txt * Hole_Counter.txt * FillHolesReconstruct.txt * BinaryFilterReconstruct_.class * BinaryHitOrMiss_.class * Corners.txt * BinaryLabel8_.class * BinaryReconstruct_.class * Hysteresis.txt * BinaryKillBorders_.txt * BinaryThick_.class * BinaryThick2_.class * ConvexHull1.txt * ConvexHull2.txt * ConvexHull3.txt * BinaryThin_.class * BinaryThin2_.class * Boundary4.txt * Boundary8.txt * Diagonal8to4.txt * H-break.txt * Influence_Zones.txt * MCentroids.txt * Prune1.txt * PruneAll.txt * Skeleton1.txt * Skeleton2.txt * Skeleton3.tx * Domes_.class * Domes_stack.txt * RegionalMaxima.txt * RegionalMinMax.txt * RegionalMinima.txt * LocalMaxima.txt * LocalMinMax.txt * LocalMinima.txt * GreyscaleDilate_.class * GreyscaleErode_.class * GreyscaleTopHat.txt * GreyscaleWell.txt * GreyscaleProperOpen.txt * GreyscaleProperClose.txt * GreyscaleProperAutomedian.txt * GreyscaleReconstruct_.class * MorphologicalGradient1.txt * MorphologicalGradient2.txt * MorphologicalGradient3.txt * MorphologicalSharpGradient.txt * Morphological2Derivative1.txt * Morphological2Derivative2.txt * Morphological2Derivative3.txt * MorphologicalSmoothing1.txt * MorphologicalSmoothing2.txt * EDM_16bits.txt * Particles4_.class * Particles8_.class * Particles8_Plus.class * KeepLargestParticle.txt * KeepLargestParticlePixels.txt * KeepParticlesInRange.txt * Classify_Particles.class --- //[[:users:glandini|Gabriel Landini]] 2020/10/15 //