====== IJProxy ====== **IJProxy sets the http proxy settings of the Java Virtual Machine for ImageJ** ===== Authors ===== * Patrick Pirrotte: project maintainer ([[mailto://patrick@image-archive.org|patrick@image-archive.or//g]]) ===== Description ===== **Since ImageJ v1.40, the proxy settings can be provided through the ImageJ interface. Tthus this plugin is obsolete and is only left here for teaching/historical reasons.** IJProxy modifies the proxy settings of the Java Virtual Machine. Settings are saved in key/value paris in the ImageJ preferences file (IJ_Prefs.txt). This allows machines which are behind a proxy and cannot directly access the outside world from within ImageJ to do so nevertheless (a typical example is opening the example images). ImageJ allows to run macros/plugins at startup via StartUpMacros.txt. If you want to set the proxy automatically at startup add //macro "AutoRun" {run("Set proxy");}// to StartupMacros.txt, or edit the autorun macro accordingly. ===== Features ===== These features have been implemented in IJProxy version 1.0: * configurable settings through a GUI ===== Installation ===== The IJProxy_ is packaged as jar file. * Download it from [[http://www.image-archive.org/uploads/media/IJProxy_.jar|here]] (project hosted at www.image-archive.org)\\ * Copy the jar file to your ImageJ plugins folder * Restart ImageJ. The plugin can be accessed through the ImageJ plugins menu * To set the proxy on autostart do add //macro "AutoRun" {run("Set proxy");}// to StartupMacros.txt, or edit the autorun macro accordingly. ===== Licence ===== (C) 2003-2006 Patrick Pirrotte\\ \\ IJProxy is subjected to the GPL v2 which you can read [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt|here]]. The source is in the jar file. ===== Known bugs ===== none so far... ===== Changelog ===== 1.0 initial release ===== Contact ===== Contact [[mailto://patrick@image-archive.org|Patrick]] if you find any bugs or if you'd like to see a feature appear in a new release.