Jonathan Jackson (jjackson a.t familyjackson dot net)
This is a short script to estimate the java heap size to use based on the size of images on disk. It prints a warning and exits if there is not enough RAM available on the machine.
estimate_mem has been tested on Linux but should work on MacOS X / Solaris / Cygwin
Save the 'estimate_mem' script (to ImageJ/bin) and make the file executable etc.
#!/bin/bash authors='Jon Jackson' email='j.jackson |at|' version='2008-12-04' function usage { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [options] imagefile" echo " estimates memory required to process imagefile with imagej library" echo " options: " echo " -b <value> base memory value (integer)" echo " -m <value> multiply by value (integer)" echo "" echo "Version: $version. Author(s): $authors (contact: $email)" echo "" } declare -i im_file_size declare -i mem=512 declare -i min_mem=32 declare -i max_mem declare -i max_32bit=1800 declare -i max_64bit=1000000 # This figure can be increased up to upper limit for 64bit OS shopt -s extglob declare -i multiply=1 declare -i basemem=64 while getopts b:Dm: options do case $options in b) basemem=${OPTARG} if (( "$basemem" <= 0 )) ; then echo "$(basename $0): invalid value for -m: $OPTARG" 1>&2 echo "Positive nteger value required" 1>&2 usage; exit 1 fi ;; D) debug='true' ;; m) multiply=${OPTARG} if (( "$multiply" <= 0 )) ; then echo "$(basename $0): invalid value for -m: $OPTARG" 1>&2 echo "Positive nteger value required" 1>&2 usage; exit 1 fi ;; \?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done declare -i i=1 while (( i < $OPTIND )) ; do shift i=i+1 done if (( "${#*}" == 0 )) ; then usage exit 1 fi im_file="$1" # Estimate memory required based on file size if [[ -f "$im_file" ]] ; then if [[ "$im_file" == *zip ]] ; then im_file_size=$(unzip -l "$im_file" | awk '{mem=$1} END{print mem}') elif [[ "$im_file" == *@(bz2|gz|tgz) ]] ; then echo "Warning: memory requirements are not yet estimated correctly for compressed files ($im_file)" else im_file_size=$(stat -L -c "%s" $(echo $im_file | sed 's/.hdr$/.img/') ) fi if (( $im_file_size == 0 )) ; then echo "Unable to estimate file size for $im_file" else # estimate memory required for 'multiply' x file of this size (INTEGER OPERATIONS ONLY) mem="$im_file_size/1000000*${multiply}+${basemem}" fi fi if [[ `uname` == 'SunOS' ]] ; then max_mem=`vmstat | awk 'BEGIN{maxMem='$max_64bit'} NR == 3 {fmem=int($5 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'` elif [[ `uname` == 'Linux' ]] ; then if [[ `uname -m` == 'x86_64' ]] ; then max_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_64bit 'NR == 2 {fmem=int($2 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'` else max_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_32bit 'NR == 2 {fmem=int($2 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'` fi fi if (( $mem > $max_mem )) ; then echo "Sorry, there is not enough RAM memory available on this machine" echo "Required: $mem MB; available: $max_mem MB" echo "`basename $0` is EXITING" exit 1 fi if (( $mem < $min_mem )) ; then mem=$min_mem ; fi echo $mem