If an arbitrary number of bins is used to generate a histogram from an integer data-type image, spikes can arise due to an uneven number of integer values within each bin. This utility converts images to floating point and adds random noise with values between 0 and 1 before calculating the histogram
Jonathan Jackson (jjackson a.t familyjackson dot net)
Usage: histogram [options] image Purpose: Generates smooth histograms with a user-specified number of bins. Options: -a<n> set min and max automatically (mean +- 2*sd) n is an optional parameter to change the number of sd's -l <hMin> histogram min (lower) value -m set min and max to the min and max values in the image -n <nBins> number of bins in histogram (default=256) if n <= 1 then the bin width is set to 1 (ie. nBins = max-min) -u <hMax> histogram max (upper) value -z include pixels with values <= 0 Advanced Options: -s don't add 0-1 random noise for smoother histogram (this eliminates spikes and is on by default when bin width != 1) Input files may be in Analyze, NIFTI, DICOM or UNC format The output has three columns: 'Bin number' 'Bin start' 'Number of Pixels'
Finally, save the wrapper script (to ImageJ/bin/histogram), make the file executable and edit paths as appropriate:
#!/bin/bash class="Smooth_Histogram" ij_path="/usr/local/ImageJ/" ij_plugins="${ij_path}plugins" java_path="/usr/java/jdk1.5/bin/" CLASSPATH="${ij_path}ij.jar" CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:${ij_plugins}/Histogram/" CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:${ij_plugins}/jars/getopt.jar" export CLASSPATH shopt -s xpg_echo RED='\e[1;31m' NC='\e[0m' # no color if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] ; then echo "${RED}$(basename $0) may fail because the DISPLAY variable is not set properly${NC}" 1>&2 echo "Try using 'ssh -Y' when you log in to a remote machine" 1>&2 fi shopt -s extglob eval im_file='${'$#'}' # last argument should be the image file mem=$(${ij_path}bin/estimate_mem -m 4 -b 32 $im_file) # need space for image in 32bit, so possible 4x 8bit -> 32 bit conversion ${java_path}java -mx${mem}m -Dplugins.dir=${ij_path} -Dscript.name=`basename $0` $class $@ exit $?