This How-To explains how to setup Jarek Sacha's ij-dcraw plugin on MacOsX.
* Download latest ij-dcraw plugin from: The ij-dcraw_native-bin-linux_1.3.0.r1302.tar.gz file will unzip to:
|-ij-dcraw_.jar |-dcraw |---dcraw
* Copy ij-dcraw_.jar and the dcraw folder into your ImageJ plugins folder, so that you end up with:
|-ij-dcraw_.jar |-dcraw |---dcraw
* Download latest dcraw utility compiled for MacOSX from: dcraw-MacOSX.tgz unzips to:
|-share |-bin |---dcrawx86 |---dcrawU |---dcrawG5 |---dcrawG4 |---dcraw.1 |---dcraw
* Now replace the content of your ImageJ/plugins/dcraw/ folder by the content of the bin folder, so that you end up with:
|-ij-dcraw_.jar |-dcraw |---dcrawx86 |---dcrawU |---dcrawG5 |---dcrawG4 |---dcraw.1 |---dcraw
* Restart ImageJ. Open a raw camera file using: [ImageJ/plugins/Input-Output/DCRaw Reader…] command.