Table of Contents


Fits a polynomial of x&y to the image data, also subtracts the polynomial as a background.


This plugin-filter fits a polynomial of variable order to an image.

The selection (if any) determines the image area the polynomial is fitted to. Output can be the polynomial fit or the image with the fit subtracted. Output area is always the whole image, irrespective of the selection.

Dialog parameters

For 8-bit and 16-bit images with no or linear calibration, the image will be calibrated by shifting the zero value appropriately.

Hints for usage



Download the sourcecode (file, save it in the “plugins” folder or a subfolder thereof and compile it with Plugins>Compile and Run… (make sure you name the downloaded file ””; uppercase/lowercase matters).


The plugin is in the public domain.

Michael Schmid 2008/09/30 15:19