//====================== // Particle_in_Cell-3D //====================== /* Particle_in_Cell-3D is an ImageJ macro developed to investigate and * quantify the cellular uptake of macro- and nanoparticles. * Developed by Adriano A. Torrano & Julia Blechinger * Department of Chemistry and Center for NanoScience (CeNS) * University of Munich (LMU), Germany * For details please refer to: * http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=macro:particle_in_cell-3d * Version 4.3, 13.Sep.2021, by Adriano A. Torrano */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1 VARIABLES // 1.1 DEFAULT VALUES /* Default values can be changed according to experimental conditions and user's preferences */ xy_scale = 200; // Pixel size (nm/px) z_scale = 200; // Delta-Z or interslice distance (nm/px) thd_lower = 650; // Lower threshold to segment the particles obj_min_vol = 10; // Minimum size of particles (voxels) obj_max_vol = 0; /* Maximum size of particles (voxels) set it to 0 (zero) for unlimited size: 0 => obj_max_vol = x * y * nSlices */ mean_id = 1; /* Mean intensity of a single particle. It corresponds to the mean integrated density (px values) and can be measured via Routine 4 - Calibration */ cell_type = "Cell"; // Cell type nps_type = "NP"; // Particle type w = 6.0; // Width of the cell membrane region (px) w_offset = 0; /* Off-set for the cell membrane region. Negative = inwards, Positive = outwards*/ // 1.2 OTHER IMPORTANT VARIABLES var area; // Surface area of a slice var area_basal; // Surface area - basal membrane var area_basal_u; // Surface area - basal membrane in µm^2 var area_diff; // Area difference between two adjacent slices var area_ratio; // Ratio between perimeter of a slice and area_diff var area_region; // Area of target region - routines 4 and 5 var area_apical; // Surface area of the cell (except basal membrane) var area_apical_u;// Surface area of the cell (except basal membrane) in µm^2 var area_top; // XY Area of the top most slice of the cell var area_u; // // Surface area of a slice in µm^2 var bit8; // Boolean value to verify if the upload image is binary var bg; // Pixel value for background subtraction var bg_mode; /* Boolean value for using or not slice_mode_mean as a constant value for background subtraction */ var bx; // Array for objects' bounding box in X var by; // Array for objects' bounding box in Y var bz; // Array for objects' bounding box in Z var bxx; // Array for objects' width in X var byy; // Array for objects' height in Y var bzz; // Array for objects' depth in Z var cell_basal; // Slice - central position of the basal membrane var cell_basal_end; // Slice - end of the basal membrane region var cell_basal_p; // cell_basal provesional (before substack) var cell_mask; // File name: image mask of the cell var cell_outlines; // File name: image of the cell with outlines var cell_name; // File name w/o extension: loaded image of the cell var cell_path; // File path: loaded image of the cell var cell_sub; // File name: substack - image of the cell var cell_top; // Slice for the top of the cell var cell_top_p; // cell_top provesional (before substack) var cell_vol; // Volume of the cell (membrane region + inside) var cell_vol_file; // File name: image of the cellular volume var cell_vol_filled; // Used to calculate the volume inside the cell (due to offset) var cell_vol_in; // Volume inside the cell var cell_vol_memb; // Volume of cell membrane var color_cell; // Color of the cell - merged image var color_nps_in; // Color of intracellular particles - merged image var color_nps_memb; // Color of apical membrane particles - merged image var color_nps_memb_basal; // Color of basal membrane particles - merged image var color_nps_out; // Color of extracellular particles var dir_res; // Directory for results var imj_fiji; // Boolean for using Fiji macro language var imj; // Boolean for using ImageJ macro language var exp_name; // Identification of the experiment var locator; // = 1 if a particle is detected, = 0 if not var nps_bottom; // Last slice in which particles are detected var nps_bottom_p; // nps_bottom provesional (before substack) var nps_in; // Total number of particles inside the cell var nps_memb; // Total number of particles in the apical membrane region var nps_memb_basal; // Total number of particles in the basal membrane region var nps_name; // File name w/o extension: loaded image of particles var nps_path; // File path: loaded image of particles var nps_seg; // File name: image mask of segmented particles var nps_smo; // File name: image mask of smoothed particles var nps_sub; // File name: substack - image of the particles var nps_top; // First slice in which particles are detected var nps_top_p; // nps_top provesional (before substack) var nps_total; // Total number of particles var nps_uptake; // File name: colored image of particles and cell var obj_c; // Counter for objects with one or more particles var obj_c_in; // Counter for intracellular objects var obj_c_memb; // Counter for apical membrane associated objects var obj_c_memb_basal; // Counter for basal membrane associated objects var obj_id; // Array for objects' IntDens var obj_in; // Array for the nr. of particles inside the cell var obj_memb; // Array for the nr. of particles in the apical membrane region var obj_memb_basal; // Array for the nr. of particles in the basal membrane region var obj_nr_nps; // Array for the nr. of particles in each object var obj_nr; // Number of objects in the 3DOC results table var obj_out; // Array for the nr. of particles outside the cell var obj_vol; // Array for objects' volume (in voxels) var obj_x; // Array for objects' position X var obj_y; // Array for objects' position Y var obj_z; // Array for objects' position Z var rev; // Boolean for reversing the stacks var seg; // Segmentation strategy var slice_cal; // Number of slices to be analyzed - Routine 4 var slice_max; // Slice of maximum IntDens var slice_mode; // Array with the modal pixel values of every slices var slice_mode_mean; // Mean pixel value of slice_mode var slice_nr; // Number of slices of the loaded image stack var t_hour; // Variable for time - report var t_minute; // Variable for time - report var thd_c_higher; // Final higher thresold for segmenting the cell var thd_c_lower; // Final lower thresold for segmenting the cell var thd_higher // Higher threshold for particles. Default = pow(2, bitDepth()) var thd_m1_higher; // Automatic higher thresold for segmenting the cell var thd_m1_lower; // Automatic lower thresold for segmenting the cell var thd_sd; // Array with the stdev of background for every slices var thd_sd_mean; // Mean pixel value of thd_sd var thd_set; // Boolean value for using or not thr_lower var total_id; // Total IntDens var total_id_in; // Total IntDens - intracellular particles var total_id_memb; // Total IntDens - apical membrane associated particles var total_id_memb_basal; // Total IntDens - basal membrane associated particles var voxel_unit; /* Volumetric pixel unit (nm^3) voxel_unit = xy_scale * xy_scale * z_scale */ var w_slices; // Width of the membrane region in z direction var w1; // Width of the frame // 1.3 FUNCTIONS function showMaxSliceId() { //To set the slice of max raw integrated density slice_nr = nSlices; run("Set Measurements...", " integrated stack redirect=None " +"decimal=0"); slice_id_max = 0; for(i = 0; i < slice_nr - 1; i++) { setSlice(i + 1); run("Measure"); slice_id = getResult("RawIntDen", i); if (slice_id > slice_id_max) { slice_id_max = slice_id; slice_max = getResult("Slice", i); } } selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); setSlice(slice_max); } // 2 INITIAL SETTINGS requires("1.53k"); run("Close All"); if (isOpen("Log") == true) { selectWindow("Log"); run("Close"); } run("Clear Results"); run("Colors...", "foreground=white background=black selection=yellow"); run("Line Width...", "line=1"); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255); setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0); setOption("BlackBackground", true); run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 black edm=Overwrite"); roiManager("Associate", "true"); selectWindow("ROI Manager"); run("Close"); // 3 ROUTINE SELECTION do { Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.setInsets(10,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("ROUTINE SELECTION"); Dialog.setInsets(5,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("\n Particle Uptake by Single Cells"); Dialog.setInsets(0,20,0); Dialog.addCheckbox("1. Qualitative - Visualization of intra" +"cellular particles", false); Dialog.addCheckbox("2. Semi-Quantitative - Visualization and " +"intensity of intracellular particles", false); Dialog.addCheckbox("3. Quantitative - Visualization, intensity and " +"absolute number of intracellular particles", false); Dialog.setInsets(5,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("\n Particle Characterization"); Dialog.addCheckbox("4. Calibration - Intensity of single particles", false); Dialog.addCheckbox("5. Only Particles - Intensity and absolute number of " +"particles", false); Dialog.setInsets(10,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("--------------------------------------------------------" +"---------------------------------------------"); Dialog.setInsets(0,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("HINTS"); Dialog.setInsets(0,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("Top-down image stacks are required (first frame = top)." +"\nIf the stack is down-top, check the box below."); Dialog.addCheckbox("Reverse stacks", false); Dialog.setInsets(5,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("\n Plugin '3D Object Counter' "); Dialog.addCheckbox("I am using Fiji (Recommended)", true); Dialog.addCheckbox("I am using ImageJ*", false); Dialog.setInsets(0,30,0); Dialog.addMessage(" *ImageJ users should first install '3D Object Counter'" +"\n < http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/3D_Objects_Counter >"); Dialog.setInsets(0,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("--------------------------------------------------------" +"---------------------------------------------"); Dialog.setInsets(0,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("MORE..."); Dialog.setInsets(0,10,0); Dialog.addMessage("\n Click 'Help' and visit our ImageJ Wiki webpage"); help = "http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=macro:particle_in_cell-3d"; Dialog.addHelp(help); Dialog.show(); R1 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); R2 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); R3 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); R4 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); R5 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); rev = Dialog.getCheckbox(); imj_fiji = Dialog.getCheckbox(); imj = Dialog.getCheckbox(); choice = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5; title = "Particle_in_Cell-3D"; if (choice >= 2) { msg = "Select only one routine!"; waitForUser(title, msg); } if (choice == 0) { msg = "Select at least one routine!"; waitForUser(title, msg); } if (imj == true && imj_fiji == true){ exit("Run again and select only one option:" +"\n'ImageJ' OR 'Fiji'");} } while (choice >= 2 || choice == 0); // 4 SELECTION OF FILES run("Close All"); waitForUser(title, "Select the image of the PARTICLES"); nps_path = File.openDialog("PARTICLES"); nps_name = File.nameWithoutExtension; if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { waitForUser(title, "Select the image of the CELL"); cell_path = File.openDialog("CELL"); cell_name = File.nameWithoutExtension; } waitForUser(title, "Select a directory for RESULTS"); dir_res = getDirectory("RESULTS"); // 5 REGION SELECTION (XY-PLANE) // 5.1 SUGGESTION FOR THE Z-POSITION OF THE BASAL MEMBRANE if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { open(cell_path); run("Select None"); run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel"); getImageInfo(); bit8 = getInfo("BitsPerPixel"); if (bit8 == 8); { run("16-bit");} if (isOpen("Log") == true) { selectWindow("Log"); run("Close"); } if (rev == true) { run("Reverse");} showMaxSliceId(); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); } // 5.2 SUGGESTION FOR THE Z-POSITION OF DEPOSITED PARTICLES if (R4 || R5 == true) { open(nps_path); run("Select None"); run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel"); getImageInfo(); bit8 = getInfo("BitsPerPixel"); if (bit8 == 8); { run("16-bit");} if (isOpen("Log") == true) { selectWindow("Log"); run("Close"); } if (rev == true) { run("Reverse");} showMaxSliceId(); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); } // 5.3 TARGET CELL if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { setTool("freehand"); msg = "TARGET CELL" +"\n \nIf the target cell is in contact with other cell(s) " +"\nselect a region so as to segregate it." +"\nOtherwise, no selection is necessary." +"\n \nClick 'OK' to go on."; waitForUser(title, msg); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type == -1) { run("Select All"); } roiManager("Add"); roiManager("Save", dir_res+ "TARGET_REGION-" +nps_name+ ".zip"); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); run("Select None"); showMaxSliceId(); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL-" + cell_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "CELL-" + cell_name +".tif"); cell_sub = File.name; close(); } // 5.4 TARGET PARTICLES if (R4 || R5 == true) { setTool("rectangle"); msg = "TARGET REGION (XY-PLANE)" +"\n \nDraw a region of interest. " +"\nDo nothing if it is the whole area." +"\n \nClick 'OK' to go on."; waitForUser(title, msg); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type == -1) { run("Select All"); } roiManager("Add"); roiManager("Save", dir_res+ "TARGET_REGION-" +nps_name+ ".zip"); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); run("Set Measurements...", "area redirect=None decimal=0"); run("Measure"); area_region = getResult("Area", 0); selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); run("Select None"); showMaxSliceId(); } // 6 BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { open(nps_path); run("Select None"); run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel"); getImageInfo(); bit8 = getInfo("BitsPerPixel"); if (bit8 == 8); { run("16-bit");} if (isOpen("Log") == true) { selectWindow("Log"); run("Close"); } if (rev == true) { run("Reverse"); } roiManager("Select", 0); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); } run("Select None"); setSlice(slice_max); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name+".tif"); nps_sub = File.name; if (obj_max_vol == 0) { x = getWidth(); y = getHeight(); obj_max_vol = x * y * nSlices; } // 6.1 MODAL PIXEL VALUE SUGGESTED FOR BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION slice_mode = newArray(nSlices); run("Set Measurements...", " modal redirect=None decimal=0"); roiManager("Select", 0); for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i + 1); run("Measure"); } setSlice(slice_max); for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { slice_mode[i] = getResult("Mode", i);} Array.getStatistics(slice_mode, min_md, max_md, mean_md, sd_md); slice_mode_mean = round(mean_md); selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); bg_mode = getBoolean("BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION" +"\n \nThe calculated image background is "+slice_mode_mean+"." +"\n \nDo you want to subtract this value from the image?" +"\n \n 'YES' to go on" +"\n 'NO' to set another value" +"\n 'CANCEL' to exit"); // 6.2 SUBTRACTION if (bg_mode == 0) { Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addNumber("Background to be subtracted:" +"", bg, 0, 6,"px value"); Dialog.show(); bg = Dialog.getNumber(); } if (bg_mode == 1) { bg = slice_mode_mean;} selectWindow(nps_sub); run("Select None"); run("Subtract...", "value=&bg stack"); setSlice(slice_max); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 use"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name); run("Close All"); roiManager("Reset"); // 7 ANALYSIS PARAMETERS thd_set = 0; do { run("Close All"); roiManager("Reset"); Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addMessage("Please enter values for..."); Dialog.addMessage("\nIDENTIFICATION"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { Dialog.addString("Cell type:", cell_type, 18);} Dialog.addString("Particle type:", nps_type, 18); Dialog.addString("Experiment:", nps_name, 18); Dialog.addMessage("\nANALYSIS PARAMETERS"); if (R1 == false) { Dialog.addNumber("XY-scale:", xy_scale, 1, 6,"nm/px"); Dialog.addNumber("Z-scale (delta-Z):", z_scale, 1, 6,"nm/px"); } if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { Dialog.addMessage("Membrane Region"); Dialog.addNumber("Width - membrane region:", w, 1, 6,"px, XY-scale"); Dialog.addNumber("Off-set:", w_offset, 1, 6,"px, XY-scale"); Dialog.addMessage("Off-set positive=> outwards, negative=> inwards"); Dialog.addMessage("") } Dialog.addMessage("Particles"); Dialog.addNumber("Lower threshold:", thd_lower, 0, 15, "px value"); Dialog.addNumber("Minimum volume for objects:" +"", obj_min_vol, 0, 15, "voxels"); Dialog.addNumber("Maximum volume for objects:" +"", obj_max_vol, 0, 15, "voxels"); if (R3 || R5 == true) { Dialog.addNumber("Mean intensity of single particles:" +"", mean_id, 0, 15, "px value"); } Dialog.addCheckbox("Exclude objects on image edges", false); Dialog.addMessage("\nCOLOR CODING"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { Dialog.addChoice("Cell:" +"", newArray("Magenta", "Green", "Red", "Cyan", "Grays")); Dialog.addChoice("Particles inside:" +"", newArray("Green", "Red", "Magenta")); Dialog.addChoice("Particles apical membrane:" +"", newArray("Yellow", "Cyan")); Dialog.addChoice("Particles basal membrane:" +"", newArray("Orange", "Yellow", "Cyan", "Red", "Green", "Magenta")); Dialog.addChoice("Particles Outside:" +"", newArray("Do Not Show", "Grays")); } if (R4 || R5 == true) { Dialog.addChoice("Particles:" +"", newArray("Green", "Red", "Magenta")); } Dialog.addMessage("\n \nHINTS:"); Dialog.addMessage("You can try out and come back to this window"); Dialog.show(); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { cell_type = Dialog.getString();} nps_type = Dialog.getString(); exp_name = Dialog.getString(); if (R1 == false) { xy_scale = Dialog.getNumber(); z_scale = Dialog.getNumber(); voxel_unit = xy_scale * xy_scale * z_scale; } if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { w = Dialog.getNumber(); w_offset = Dialog.getNumber(); w_slices = round(w * xy_scale / z_scale); } thd_lower = Dialog.getNumber(); obj_min_vol = Dialog.getNumber(); obj_max_vol = Dialog.getNumber(); if (R3 || R5 == true) { mean_id = Dialog.getNumber();} if (R1 || R2 || R4 == true) { mean_id = 1;} exclude = Dialog.getCheckbox(); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { color_cell = Dialog.getChoice(); color_nps_in = Dialog.getChoice(); color_nps_memb = Dialog.getChoice(); color_nps_memb_basal = Dialog.getChoice(); color_nps_out = Dialog.getChoice(); } if (R4 || R5 == true) { color_nps_in = Dialog.getChoice();} // 7.1 THRESHOLD FOR THE PARTICLES // 7.1.1 SEGMENTATION open(nps_sub); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "TARGET_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1.0 stack"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name +".tif"); nps_seg = File.name; roiManager("Reset"); run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=&nps_bottom " +"projection=[Max Intensity]"); wait(3000); thd_higher = pow(2, bitDepth()); setThreshold(thd_lower, thd_higher); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type == -1) { run("Select All");} run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=3"); roiManager("Add"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "OBJECTS_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Reset"); run("Close All"); // 7.1.2 SUGGESTION open(nps_sub); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "TARGET_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Select", 0); thd_sd = newArray(nSlices); run("Set Measurements...", " standard redirect=None decimal=0"); for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i + 1); run("Measure"); } for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { thd_sd[i] = getResult("StdDev", i);} Array.getStatistics(thd_sd, min_sd, max_sd, mean_sd, sd_sd); thd_sd_mean = round(mean_sd); selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); close(); // 7.1.3 SETTING THE VALUE open(nps_seg); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Threshold..."); setAutoThreshold("Default dark stack"); resetThreshold; setThreshold(thd_lower, thd_higher); wait(3000); setSlice(slice_max); msg = "THRESHOLD" +"\n \nVerify if the objects of interest are below the threshold." +"\n \nHINTS: \n-The threshold should be set as low as possible, " +"\nbut high enough to allow object segmentation." +"\n-Use the same threshold when comparing results from the same " +"\nset of experiments."; waitForUser(title, msg); getThreshold(thd_lower, thd_higher); thd_higher = pow(2, bitDepth()); thd_set = getBoolean("THRESHOLD = "+thd_lower+" ?" +"\n 'YES' to continue" +"\n 'NO' to get a suggestion and then set a new value" +"\n 'CANCEL' to exit"); if (thd_set == 0) { thd_lower = 4 * thd_sd_mean; msg = "SUGGESTION FOR THE THRESHOLD = "+4 * thd_sd_mean+"" +"\n (4 * StdDev of image background)"; waitForUser(title, msg); } } while (thd_set == 0); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Reset"); // 8 SUBSTACK SELECTION (Z-AXIS) - CALIBRATION & ONLY PARTICLES if (R4 || R5 == true) { msg = "SUBSTACK SELECTION" +"\n \nPlease check the substack to be analyzed. " +"You will be soon asked to enter:" +"\n \n- The position of the cover glass - Suggestion: slice no. "+slice_max+"" +"\n- The number of slices to be analyzed " +"\nOR" +"\n- The first slice" +"\n- The last" +"\n \nClick 'OK' to continue."; waitForUser(title, msg); Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addMessage("SUBSTACK SELECTION"); Dialog.addMessage("Please enter the values for..."); Dialog.addNumber("Position of the cover glass - Slice:", slice_max); Dialog.addNumber("Number of slices:", 0); Dialog.addMessage("OR"); Dialog.addNumber("First slice:", 1); Dialog.addNumber("Last slice:", slice_nr); Dialog.show(); slice_max = Dialog.getNumber(); slice_cal = Dialog.getNumber(); nps_top_p = Dialog.getNumber(); nps_bottom_p = Dialog.getNumber(); // 8.1 SUBSTACK - PARTICLES if (slice_cal != 0) { nps_top_p = round(slice_max - (slice_cal/2)); nps_bottom_p = round(slice_max + (slice_cal/2)) - 1; } selectWindow(nps_seg); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name); close(); open(nps_sub); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name); cell_vol = nSlices * area_region; cell_vol_u = (voxel_unit * cell_vol)/1E9; // 8.2 UPDATING SLICE NUMBER AFTER SUBSTACK nps_bottom = nps_bottom_p - nps_top_p + 1; nps_top = 1; slice_max = slice_max - nps_top_p + 1; if (slice_cal == 0) { run("Select None"); run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel"); showMaxSliceId(); } run("Close All"); } // 9 THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CELL - ROIs // 9.1 IMAGE MASK OF THE CELL if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { open(cell_sub); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "TARGET_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1.0 stack"); run("Select None"); run("Duplicate...", "title=Mask-1 duplicate"); setSlice(slice_max); selectWindow(cell_sub); run("Duplicate...", "title=Mask-2 duplicate"); setSlice(slice_max); run("Tile"); // 9.2 AUTOMATIC THRESHOLD FOR THE CELL selectWindow("Mask-1"); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Threshold..."); setAutoThreshold("IJ_IsoData dark stack"); getThreshold(thd_m1_lower, thd_m1_higher); run("Convert to Mask", "method=IJ_IsoData background=Dark black"); run("Select None"); // 9.3 USER-SET THRESHOLD FOR THE CELL selectWindow("Mask-2"); roiManager("Select", 0); setAutoThreshold("IJ_IsoData dark"); msg = "IMAGE MASK OF THE CELL" +"\n \nIf 'Mask-1' is not satisfactory, set the threshold in 'Mask-2' " +"\nthat best defines the outlines of the cell."; waitForUser(title, msg); selectWindow("Mask-2"); getThreshold(thd_c_lower, thd_c_higher); run("Convert to Mask", " background=Dark black"); run("Select None"); roiManager("Reset"); resetThreshold(); selectWindow("Threshold"); run("Close"); // 9.4 IMAGE MASK OF THE CELL run("Tile"); msg = "THE BEST IMAGE MASK" +"\n \nVerify which image mask can better represent the cell." +"\n \nClick 'OK' to continue."; waitForUser(title, msg); do { Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addMessage("IMAGE MASK OF THE CELL"); Dialog.addMessage("Select one option:"); Dialog.addCheckbox("Mask-1 (Automatic)", false); Dialog.addCheckbox("Mask-2 ", false); Dialog.show(); M1 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); M2 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); M = M1 + M2; } while (M != 1); if (M1 == true) { thd_c_lower = thd_m1_lower; thd_c_higher = thd_m1_higher; selectWindow("Mask-2"); close(); selectWindow("Mask-1"); } if (M2 == true) { selectWindow("Mask-1"); close(); selectWindow("Mask-2"); } run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_ORIGINAL-" + cell_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "CELL_MASK_ORIGINAL-" + cell_name +".tif"); setSlice(slice_max); cell_mask = File.name; run("Tile"); // 9.5 SUBSTACK SELECTION (Z-AXIS) - PARTICLE UPTAKE // 9.5.1 SELECTION OF IMPORTANT SLICES msg = "SUBSTACK SELECTION" +"\n \nPlease check the substack to be analyzed. " +"You will be soon asked to enter:" +"\n \n- The top of the cell" +"\n- Z-Position of the basal membrane - Suggestion: slice no. "+slice_max+"" +"\n- The first slice for particles (detection above the top of the cell)" +"\n- The last slice for particles (detection under the basal membrane)" +"\n \nClick 'OK' to continue."; waitForUser(title, msg); Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addMessage("SUBSTACK SELECTION"); Dialog.addMessage("Please Enter the Values for..."); Dialog.addNumber("Top of the CELL - Slice:", 1); Dialog.addNumber("Basal Membrane of the CELL - Slice:", slice_max); Dialog.addNumber("First slice for particles:", 1); Dialog.addNumber("Last slice for particles:", slice_nr); Dialog.addMessage(" \nHINT: The substack range of the CELL must be " +"enclosed by\n the substack of the particles."); Dialog.show(); cell_top_p = Dialog.getNumber(); cell_basal_p = Dialog.getNumber(); nps_top_p = Dialog.getNumber(); nps_bottom_p = Dialog.getNumber(); // 9.5.2 SUBSTACKS // Substack - Mask of the Cell selectWindow(cell_mask); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_ORIGINAL-" + cell_name); // Substack - Cell selectWindow(cell_sub); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL-" + cell_name); // Substack - Particles selectWindow(nps_seg); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name); close(); open(nps_sub); run("Select None"); run("Make Substack...", "slices="+nps_top_p+"-"+nps_bottom_p+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name); // 9.5.3 UPDATING SLICE NUMBER AFTER SUBSTACK cell_top = cell_top_p - nps_top_p + 1; cell_basal = cell_basal_p - nps_top_p + 1; nps_bottom = nps_bottom_p - nps_top_p + 1; nps_top = 1; slice_max = slice_max - nps_top_p + 1; // 9.5.4 DELETING THE IMAGE MASK ABOVE AND UNDER THE CELL run("Close All"); open(cell_mask); for(i = 1; i <= nps_bottom; i++) { if (i < cell_top || i > cell_basal) { setSlice(i); run("Select All"); run("Clear", "slice"); } } run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_ORIGINAL-" + cell_name); // 9.6 SEGMENTATION STRATEGIES selectWindow(cell_mask); setSlice(cell_top); setTool("point"); msg = "IMAGE MASK OF THE CELL" +"\n \nCheck if the image has no defects (e.g. inverted masks)." +"\nIt is the last chance for corrections." +"\n \nHINT: According to current substack selection, the image mask " +"\nwill only appear between slices "+cell_top+" - "+cell_basal+"." +"\n \nClick 'OK' to go on."; waitForUser(title, msg); sel_type = selectionType(); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_ORIGINAL-" + cell_name); if (sel_type == 10) { run("Restore Selection"); } // 9.6.1 SEED FOR TRACKING THE POSITION OF THE CELL setSlice(cell_top); msg = "JUST A CLICK!" +"\n \nClick on the white mask of slice no. "+cell_top+"" +"\nIt will create a point selection. Then click 'OK'."; waitForUser(title, msg); run("Draw", "stack"); getSelectionCoordinates(xSeed, ySeed); run("Select None"); // 9.6.2 SEGMENTATION STRATEGY - S1 OUTER-ROI selectWindow(cell_mask); rename("S1_Mask"); run("Duplicate...", "title=S2_Mask duplicate"); setPasteMode("Add"); selectWindow("S1_Mask"); for(i = cell_top; i <= nps_bottom; i++) { if (i < cell_basal) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Close-", "slice"); run("Fill Holes", "slice"); doWand(xSeed[0], ySeed[0]); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); roiManager("Add"); run("Select All"); //Closing the mask in case it touches the frame run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=-4"); run("Make Inverse"); run("Copy"); setSlice(i + 1); run("Paste"); } if (i == cell_basal) { run("Select None"); run("Close-", "slice"); run("Fill Holes", "slice"); doWand(xSeed[0], ySeed[0]); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); roiManager("Add"); } if (i > cell_basal) { j = cell_basal - cell_top; roiManager("Select", j); setSlice(i); roiManager("Add"); } } for(i = 0; i <= (nps_bottom - cell_top); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Interpolate", "interval=3 smooth"); roiManager("Update"); } run("Select None"); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Deselect"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "S1-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Reset"); // 9.6.3 SEGMENTATION STRATEGY - S2 OUTER-ROI selectWindow("S2_Mask"); for(i = cell_top; i <= nps_bottom; i++) { if (i <= cell_basal) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Close-", "slice"); run("Fill Holes", "slice"); doWand(xSeed[0], ySeed[0]); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); roiManager("Add"); if (i != cell_basal) { run("Copy"); setSlice(i + 1); run("Paste"); } } if (i > cell_basal) { j = cell_basal - cell_top; roiManager("Select", j); setSlice(i); roiManager("Add"); } } for(i = 0; i <= (nps_bottom - cell_top); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Interpolate", "interval=3 smooth"); roiManager("Update"); } run("Select None"); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Deselect"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "S2-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Reset"); // 9.6.4 OUTLINES FOR S1 AND S2 run("Close All"); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 0); open(cell_sub); rename("S1-Outlines"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "TARGET_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 process_all use"); run(color_cell); run("RGB Color"); run("Select None"); run("Duplicate...", "title=S2-Outlines duplicate"); roiManager("Reset"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "S1-" + cell_name + ".zip"); selectWindow("S1-Outlines"); for(i = 0; i <= (nps_bottom - cell_top); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Draw", "slice"); } run("Select None"); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Reset"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "S2-" + cell_name + ".zip"); selectWindow("S2-Outlines"); for(i = 0; i <= (nps_bottom - cell_top); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Draw", "slice"); } run("Select None"); setSlice(slice_max); roiManager("Reset"); run("Tile"); // 9.6.5 SELECTION OF STRATEGY - OUTER-ROI msg = "SEGMENTATION OF THE CELL" +"\n \nCheck the outlines and choose a segmentation strategy " +"\nto be used (S1 or S2)."; waitForUser(title, msg); do { Dialog.create("Particle_in_Cell-3D"); Dialog.addMessage("SEGMENTATION OF THE CELL"); Dialog.addMessage("Please choose one option:"); Dialog.addCheckbox("Strategy S1", false); Dialog.addCheckbox("Strategy S2", false); Dialog.show(); S1 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); S2 = Dialog.getCheckbox(); S = S1 + S2; } while (S != 1); if (S1 == true) { seg = "S1"; roiManager("Open", dir_res + "S1-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Deselect"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); selectWindow("S2-Outlines"); close(); selectWindow("S1-Outlines"); } if (S2 == true) { seg = "S2"; roiManager("Open", dir_res + "S2-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Deselect"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); selectWindow("S1-Outlines"); close(); selectWindow("S2-Outlines"); } run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_OUTLINES-" + cell_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "CELL_OUTLINES-" + cell_name +".tif"); cell_outlines = File.name; roiManager("Reset"); setPasteMode("Copy"); // 9.7 ENLARGED MEMBRANE REGION 3D // This step builds a membrane region of w pixels. // 9.7.1 FRAME & FINAL CELLULAR OUTLINES /* This creates a frame of width = w1 to be used in all images and ROIs * to acount for the membrane region. Segmentation strategy S1 uses a * frame of 4 pixels; thus w1 is always equal or greater than 4. */ if (w < 4) { w1 = 4; } else { w1 = w;} selectWindow(cell_outlines); x = getWidth(); y = getHeight(); z = nSlices; setSlice(slice_max); setTool("rectangle"); makeRectangle(1 + w1, 1 + w1, x - 2 * (1 + w1), y - 2 * (1 + w1)); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Draw", "stack"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_OUTLINES-" + cell_name); roiManager("Reset"); run("Close All"); open(nps_sub); makeRectangle(1 + w1, 1 + w1, x - 2 * (1 + w1), y - 2 * (1 + w1)); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES-" + nps_name); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255); } selectWindow("ROI Manager"); run("Close"); run("Close All"); setBatchMode(true); // 9.7.2 VOLUME AND SURFACE AREA OF THE CELL if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { open(cell_mask); run("Select All"); run("Clear", "stack"); run("8-bit"); roiManager("Reset"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); run("Clear Results"); run("Set Measurements...", "area perimeter stack limit redirect=None decimal=2"); for(i = 0; i <= (cell_basal - cell_top); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); roiManager("Fill"); makeRectangle(1 + w1, 1 + w1, x - 2 * (1 + w1), y - 2 * (1 + w1)); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); run("Select None"); setThreshold(1, 255); run("Create Selection"); run("Measure"); cell_vol = cell_vol + getResult("Area", i); if (i == 0) { area_top = getResult("Area", 0); area_top_u = (getResult("Area", 0) * xy_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6; } else { area_diff = abs(getResult("Area", i) - getResult("Area", i - 1)); area_ratio = area_diff / getResult("Perim.", i); if (area_ratio < 0.90) { area = area + (getResult("Perim.", i)); area_u = area_u + ((getResult("Perim.", i) * z_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6); } if (area_ratio >= 0.90 && area_ratio < 1.11) { area = area + ((getResult("Perim.", i) + area_diff)); area_u = area_u + ((getResult("Perim.", i) * z_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6) + ((area_diff * xy_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6); } if (area_ratio >= 1.11) { area = area + area_diff; area_u = area_u + ((area_diff * xy_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6); } if (i == (cell_basal - cell_top)) { area_basal = getResult("Area", i); area_basal_u = (area_basal * xy_scale * xy_scale) / 1E6; } } } area_apical = area_top + area; area_apical_u = area_top_u + area_u; cell_vol_u = (voxel_unit * cell_vol)/1E9; run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_VOLUME-" + cell_name); roiManager("Reset"); run("Clear Results"); roiManager("Reset"); run("Close All"); // 9.7.3 MEMBRANE REGION 3D open(""+ dir_res + "CELL_MASK_VOLUME-" + cell_name +".tif"); nSlices_bef = nSlices; factor_z_xy = z_scale / xy_scale; z_new = round(factor_z_xy * z); // OFF-SET XY-PLANE & BASAL MEMBRANE run("Select None"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { // if the slice has a mask a membrane region ROI is created setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge="+((w / 2) + w_offset)); run("Fill", "slice"); } } resetThreshold(); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); cell_basal_end = cell_basal + floor(w_slices / 2); if (cell_basal_end > nSlices_bef) { cell_basal_end = nSlices_bef;} if (w > 0) { for(i = cell_basal + 1; i <= (cell_basal_end); i++) { roiManager("Select", (cell_basal - cell_top)); setSlice(i); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge="+((w / 2) + w_offset)); run("Fill", "slice"); roiManager("Add"); makeRectangle(1 + w1, 1 + w1, x - 2 * (1 + w1), y - 2 * (1 + w1)); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); } run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_MEMBRANE-3D-" + cell_name); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Reset"); // XY-PLANE run("Size...", "width=" +x+ " height=" +y+ " depth=" +z_new+ " interpolation=None"); rename("XY"); run("Duplicate...", "title=XY duplicate stack"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge="+-((w / 2) - w_offset)); run("Clear", "slice"); } } run("Select None"); rename("Membrane_XY"); run("Clear Results"); // YZ-PLANE selectWindow("XY"); run("Reslice [/]...", "output=1.000 start=Left rotate avoid"); run("Select None"); rename("YZ"); run("Set Measurements...", "area redirect=None decimal=0"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); j = 0; for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { j = j + 1; run("Measure"); a1 = getResult("Area", j - 1); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge="+-w); j = j + 1; run("Measure"); a2 = getResult("Area", j - 1); if (a2 < a1) { run("Clear", "slice"); } run("Select None"); } } selectWindow("YZ"); resetThreshold(); run("Select None"); run("Reslice [/]...", "output=1.000 start=Left rotate avoid"); rename("Membrane_YZ"); run("Clear Results"); // ZX-PLANE selectWindow("XY"); run("Reslice [/]...", "output=1.000 start=Top avoid"); run("Select None"); rename("ZX"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); j = 0; for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { j = j + 1; run("Measure"); a1 = getResult("Area", j - 1); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge="+-w); j = j + 1; run("Measure"); a2 = getResult("Area", j - 1); if (a2 < a1) { run("Clear", "slice"); } run("Select None"); } } selectWindow("ZX"); resetThreshold(); run("Select None"); resetThreshold(); run("Reslice [/]...", "output=1.000 start=Top avoid"); rename("Membrane_ZX"); run("Clear Results"); // FINAL MEMBRANE REGION 3D imageCalculator("Add create stack", "Membrane_YZ","Membrane_ZX"); rename("Membrane_YZ_ZX"); for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { run("Close-", "slice"); } } imageCalculator("Add create stack", "Membrane_XY","Membrane_YZ_ZX"); run("Size...", "width=" +x+ " height=" +y+ " depth=" +z+ " interpolation=None"); if (z != z_new) { setSlice(1); run("Delete Slice"); setSlice(nSlices); run("Select All"); run("Copy"); setPasteMode("Copy"); run("Paste"); run("Select None"); } nSlices_aft = nSlices; if (nSlices_aft > nSlices_bef) { nExtra = (nSlices_aft - nSlices_bef); for(i = 1; i <= nExtra; i++) { setSlice(nSlices); run("Delete Slice"); } } if (nSlices_aft < nSlices_bef) { nExtra = (nSlices_bef - nSlices_aft); for(i = 1; i <= nExtra; i++) { setSlice(nSlices); run("Select All"); run("Copy"); run("Add Slice"); run("Paste"); run("Select None"); } } saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_MASK_MEMBRANE-3D-" + cell_name); } for(i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Select None"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); run("Create Selection"); sel_type = selectionType(); if (sel_type != -1) { if (w > 0) { run("Close-", "slice");} roiManager("Add"); } } resetThreshold(); run("Select None"); roiManager("Save", dir_res + "INNER-3D-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); // INTRACELLULAR VOLUME - MEMBRANE REGION 3D run("Set Measurements...", "area limit redirect=None decimal=0"); setThreshold(1, 255); for (i = 0; i < roiManager("count"); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Measure"); cell_vol_memb = cell_vol_memb + getResult("Area", i); } run("Clear Results"); resetThreshold(); run("Select None"); run("Fill Holes", "stack"); setThreshold(1, 255); for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i + 1); run("Measure"); cell_vol_filled = cell_vol_filled + getResult("Area", i); } cell_vol_in = cell_vol_filled - cell_vol_memb; cell_vol_in_u = (voxel_unit * cell_vol_in)/1E9; run("Select None"); run("Close All"); roiManager("Reset"); // CELLULAR OUTLINES - MEMBRANE REGION 3D setForegroundColor(255, 255, 0); open(cell_sub); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "TARGET_REGION-" + nps_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.8 process_all use"); run(color_cell); run("RGB Color"); run("Select None"); roiManager("Reset"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "INNER-3D-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); for(i = 0; i < roiManager("count"); i++) { roiManager("Select", i); run("Draw", "slice"); } run("Select None"); setTool("rectangle"); makeRectangle(1 + w1, 1 + w1, x - 2 * (1 + w1), y - 2 * (1 + w1)); run("Clear Outside", "stack"); run("Draw", "stack"); run("Select None"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "CELL_OUTLINES-" + cell_name); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255); roiManager("Reset"); selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); run("Close All"); } // 10 EVALUATION OF PARTICLES // 10.1 SEGMENTATION OF PARTICLES WITH PLUGIN '3D OBJECT COUNTER' open(nps_seg); run("Select None"); if (imj_fiji == true) { run("3D OC Options", "volume nb_of_obj._voxels integrated_density " +"mean_gray_value maximum_gray_value centre_of_mass bounding_box " +"close_original_images_while_processing_(saves_memory) " +"redirect_to=none"); if (exclude == true) { run("3D Objects Counter", "threshold="+thd_lower+" slice="+slice_max+" " +"min.="+obj_min_vol+" max.="+obj_max_vol+" exclude_objects_on_edges " +"objects statistics"); } if (exclude == false) { run("3D Objects Counter", "threshold="+thd_lower+" slice="+slice_max+" " +"min.="+obj_min_vol+" max.="+obj_max_vol+" objects statistics"); } } if (imj == true) { run("Set 3D Measurements", "volume nb_of_obj._voxels integrated_density " +"mean_gray_value maximum_gray_value centre_of_mass bounding_box " +"close_original_images_while_processing_(saves_memory) " +"redirect_to=none"); if (exclude == true) { run("3D object counter...", "threshold="+thd_lower+" slice="+slice_max+" " +"min.="+obj_min_vol+" max.="+obj_max_vol+" exclude_objects_on_edges " +"objects statistics"); } if (exclude == false) { run("3D object counter...", "threshold="+thd_lower+" slice="+slice_max+" " +"min.="+obj_min_vol+" max.="+obj_max_vol+" objects statistics"); } } run("8-bit"); for (i = 0; i < nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i + 1); changeValues(1,254,255); } run("Grays"); run("RGB Color"); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SEGMENTED-" + nps_name); run("Close All"); // 10.2 POSITION OF OBJECTS AND BOUNDING BOXES obj_nr = nResults; bx = newArray(obj_nr); // Bounding boxes by = newArray(obj_nr); bz = newArray(obj_nr); bxx = newArray(obj_nr); byy = newArray(obj_nr); bzz = newArray(obj_nr); obj_x = newArray(obj_nr); // X obj_y = newArray(obj_nr); // Y obj_z = newArray(obj_nr); // Z obj_vol = newArray(obj_nr); // Volume for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { bx[i] = getResult("BX", i); by[i] = getResult("BY", i); bz[i] = getResult("BZ", i); bxx[i] = getResult("B-width", i); byy[i] = getResult("B-height", i); bzz[i] = getResult("B-depth", i); obj_x[i] = getResult("XM", i); obj_y[i] = getResult("YM", i); obj_z[i] = round(getResult("ZM", i)); obj_vol[i] = getResult("Nb of obj. voxels", i); if (obj_z[i] == 0) { obj_z[i] = 1; } if (obj_z[i] == nps_bottom + 1) { obj_z[i] = nps_bottom;} } selectWindow("Results"); saveAs("Results", dir_res + "TABLE_3DOC-" + nps_name + ".xls"); run("Close"); // 10.3 INTENSITY AND NUMBER OF PARTICLES IN EACH OBJECT open(nps_sub); obj_id = newArray(obj_nr); obj_nr_nps = newArray(obj_nr); run("Set Measurements...", " integrated redirect=None decimal=0"); for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { run("Select None"); makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (j = bz[i]; j < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); j++) { setSlice(j); run("Measure"); obj_id[i] = obj_id[i] + getResult("RawIntDen", j - bz[i]); } obj_nr_nps[i] = round(obj_id[i] / mean_id); run("Clear Results"); } run("Select None"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { // 10.4 LOCATION AND NUMBER OF PARTICLES INTERACTING WITH THE CELL obj_in = newArray(obj_nr); obj_memb = newArray(obj_nr); obj_memb_basal = newArray(obj_nr); obj_out = newArray(obj_nr); run("Duplicate...", "title=Locator"); selectWindow(nps_sub); close(); selectWindow("Locator"); run("8-bit"); run("Select All"); run("Clear", "slice"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "INNER-3D-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); roiManager("Open", dir_res + "OUTER-ROI-" + cell_name + ".zip"); run("Set Measurements...", "area redirect=None decimal=0"); run("Clear Results"); for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { locator = 0; selectWindow("Locator"); run("Select All"); run("Clear", "slice"); run("Select None"); setPixel(obj_x[i], obj_y[i], 255); // 10.4.1 INTRACELLULAR PARTICLES if (obj_z[i] >= cell_top + w_slices && obj_z[i] <= (cell_basal_end)) { roiManager("Select", obj_z[i] - cell_top); run("Clear", "slice"); roiManager("Select", cell_basal_end - cell_top + 1 + obj_z[i] - cell_top); run("Clear Outside", "slice"); run("Select All"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=0-1 pixel" +" circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing clear"); locator = nResults; if (locator == 1) { obj_in[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; obj_memb[i] = 0; obj_memb_basal[i] = 0; } if (locator == 0) { obj_in[i] = 0; } } // 10.4.2 MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED PARTICLES if (locator == 0) { setPixel(obj_x[i], obj_y[i], 255); roiManager("Select", cell_basal_end - cell_top + 1 + obj_z[i] - cell_top); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=0-1 pixel" +" circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing clear"); locator = nResults; if (locator == 1) { if (obj_z[i] >= (cell_basal-round(w_slices/2)+1) && obj_z[i]<=(cell_basal_end)) { obj_memb_basal[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; obj_memb[i] = 0; obj_in[i] = 0; } else { obj_memb[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; obj_memb_basal[i] = 0; obj_in[i] = 0; if (w == 0) { obj_in[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; obj_memb[i] = 0; obj_memb_basal[i] = 0; } } } if (locator == 0) { obj_memb[i] = 0; obj_memb_basal[i] = 0; } } // 10.4.3 EXTRACELLULAR PARTICLES if (locator == 0) { obj_out[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; } if ((obj_z[i] >= 1 && obj_z[i] < cell_top) || (obj_z[i] > cell_basal_end)) { obj_out[i] = obj_nr_nps[i]; obj_memb[i] = 0; obj_memb_basal[i] = 0; } } run("Clear Results"); selectWindow("Locator"); close(); roiManager("Reset"); } // 10.5 RESULTS TABLES obj_c = 0; obj_c_in = 0; obj_c_memb = 0; obj_c_memb_basal = 0; total_id_in = 0; total_id_memb = 0; total_id_memb_basal = 0; if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { if (obj_in[i] >= 1 || obj_memb[i] >= 1 || obj_memb_basal[i] >= 1) { setResult("3DOC Label", obj_c, i + 1); setResult("Object", obj_c, obj_c + 1); setResult("Volume (vx)", obj_c, obj_vol[i]); setResult("IntDens th=0 (px value)", obj_c, obj_id[i]); setResult("Particles Intracellular", obj_c, obj_in[i]); setResult("Particles Apical Memb.", obj_c, obj_memb[i]); setResult("Particles Basal Memb.", obj_c, obj_memb_basal[i]); setResult("Particles Total", obj_c, obj_nr_nps[i]); setResult("X (px)", obj_c, obj_x[i]); setResult("Y (px)", obj_c, obj_y[i]); setResult("Z (slice)", obj_c, obj_z[i]); if (obj_in[i] >= 1 ) { obj_c_in = obj_c_in + 1; total_id_in = total_id_in + obj_id[i]; } if (obj_memb[i] >= 1 ) { obj_c_memb = obj_c_memb + 1; total_id_memb = total_id_memb + obj_id[i]; } if (obj_memb_basal[i] >= 1 ) { obj_c_memb_basal = obj_c_memb_basal + 1; total_id_memb_basal = total_id_memb_basal + obj_id[i]; } obj_c = obj_c + 1; } } for (i = 0; i < obj_c; i++) { nps_in = nps_in + getResult("Particles Intracellular", i); nps_memb = nps_memb + getResult("Particles Apical Memb.", i); nps_memb_basal = nps_memb_basal + getResult("Particles Basal Memb.", i); } total_id = total_id_in + total_id_memb + total_id_memb_basal; nps_total = nps_in + nps_memb + nps_memb_basal; } if (R4 || R5 == true) { for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { setResult("3DOC Label", obj_c, i + 1); setResult("Object", obj_c, obj_c + 1); setResult("Volume (vx)", obj_c, obj_vol[i]); setResult("IntDens th=0 (px value)", obj_c, obj_id[i]); if (R5 == true) { setResult("Number of Particles", obj_c, obj_nr_nps[i]);} setResult("X (px)", obj_c, obj_x[i]); setResult("Y (px)", obj_c, obj_y[i]); setResult("Z (slice)", obj_c, obj_z[i]); total_id = total_id + obj_id[i]; obj_c = obj_c + 1; } } if (R5 == true) { for (i = 0; i < obj_c; i++) { nps_total = nps_total + getResult("Number of Particles", i); } } setOption("ShowRowNumbers", false); updateResults; saveAs("Results", dir_res + "_RESULTS-" + nps_name + ".xls"); saveAs("Results", dir_res + "_RESULTS-" + nps_name + ".txt"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { // 10.6 COLOR CODING OF PARTICLES open(nps_seg); for (i = 0; i < obj_nr; i++) { // 10.6.1 INTRACELLULAR if (obj_in[i] >= 1) { makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (k = bz[i]; k < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); k++) { setSlice(k); if (color_nps_in == "Red") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xff0000);} if (color_nps_in == "Green") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x00ff00);} if (color_nps_in == "Magenta") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xff00ff);} } } // 10.6.2 MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED // MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED - APICAL if (obj_memb[i] >= 1) { makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (k = bz[i]; k < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); k++) { setSlice(k); if (color_nps_memb == "Yellow") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xffff00);} if (color_nps_memb == "Cyan") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x00ffff);} } } // MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED - BASAL if (obj_memb_basal[i] >= 1) { makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (k = bz[i]; k < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); k++) { setSlice(k); if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Orange") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xffb900);} if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Yellow") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xffff00);} if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Cyan") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x00ffff);} if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Red") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xff0000);} if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Green") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x00ff00);} if (color_nps_memb_basal == "Magenta") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0xff00ff);} } } // 10.6.3 EXTRACELLULAR if (obj_out[i] >= 1) { makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (k = bz[i]; k < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); k++) { setSlice(k); if (color_nps_out == "Do Not Show") { changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x000000);} } } // 10.6.4 CLEARING OBJECTS FORMED BY "ZERO" PARTICLES if (obj_nr_nps[i] == 0) { makeRectangle(bx[i], by[i], bxx[i], byy[i]); for (k = bz[i]; k < (bz[i] + bzz[i]); k++) { setSlice(k); changeValues(0xffffff,0xffffff,0x000000); } } } // 10.7 COLORED VISUALIZATION OF PARTICLE UPTAKE IN 3D // 10.7.1 Z-PROJECTION selectWindow(nps_seg); run("Select None"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1.0 stack"); wait(1000); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SMOOTHED-" + nps_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "PARTICLES_SMOOTHED-" + nps_name +".tif"); nps_smo = File.name; run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=&nps_bottom " +"projection=[Max Intensity]"); rename("Z-particles"); if (w > 0) { open(""+ dir_res + "CELL_MASK_MEMBRANE-3D-" + cell_name +".tif");} if (w == 0) { open(""+ dir_res + "CELL_MASK_VOLUME-" + cell_name +".tif");} rename("Membrane"); run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=&nps_bottom " +"projection=[Max Intensity]"); rename("Z-outline"); setAutoThreshold("IJ_IsoData dark"); doWand(xSeed[0], ySeed[0]); selectWindow("Z-particles"); run("Restore Selection"); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 0); run("Line Width...", "line=2"); run("Draw", "slice"); setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "_Z-PROJECTION-" + cell_name); run("Line Width...", "line=1"); // 10.7.2 UPTAKE - CELL MASK selectWindow("Membrane"); run("8-bit"); run(color_cell); run("RGB Color"); imageCalculator("Transparent-zero create stack", "" +"Membrane",""+nps_smo+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "_UPTAKE_MASK-" + cell_name); // 10.7.3 UPTAKE open(cell_outlines); imageCalculator("Transparent-zero create stack", "" +""+cell_outlines+"",""+nps_smo+""); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "_UPTAKE-" + cell_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "_UPTAKE-" + cell_name +".tif"); nps_uptake = File.name; run("Close All"); } // 10.8 COLOR PARTICLES - CALIBRATION & ONLY PARTICLES if (R4 || R5 == true) { open(nps_seg); run("8-bit"); run(""+color_nps_in+""); run("RGB Color"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1.0 stack"); setMinAndMax(0, 255); saveAs("tiff", dir_res + "PARTICLES_SMOOTHED-" + nps_name); close(); open(""+ dir_res + "PARTICLES_SMOOTHED-" + nps_name +".tif"); nps_smo = File.name; run("Close All"); selectWindow("Results"); run("Close"); } // 11 REPORTS setBatchMode(false); print(""); print("************************************************"); print("Particle_in_Cell-3D - ImageJ Macro"); print("************************************************"); print(""); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (R1 == true) {print(" REPORT OF RESULTS - 1. QUALITATIVE");} if (R2 == true) {print(" REPORT OF RESULTS - 2. SEMI-QUANTITATIVE");} if (R3 == true) {print(" REPORT OF RESULTS - 3. QUANTITATIVE");} if (R4 == true) {print(" REPORT OF RESULTS - 4. CALIBRATION");} if (R5 == true) {print(" REPORT OF RESULTS - 5. ONLY PARTICLES");} print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); print(" Experiment: " +exp_name); getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); t_hour = hour; t_minute = minute; if (hour < 10) {t_hour = "0" +hour; } if (minute < 10) {t_minute = "0" +minute; } print(" Date & Time: " +dayOfMonth+ "/" +month+1+ "/" +year+ ", " +t_hour+ ":" +t_minute); print(" Original file-PARTICLES: " +nps_path); print(" Substack: "+"(" +nps_top_p+ "-" +nps_bottom_p+ ")"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { print(" Original file-CELL: " +cell_path); print(" Substack: "+"(" +nps_top_p+ "-" +nps_bottom_p+ ")"); print(" Selected Z-position of the cell: "+"(" +cell_top_p+ "-" +cell_basal_p+ ")"); } print(" Directory with Results: "+ dir_res +""); print(""); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); print("ANALYSIS PARAMETERS"); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (R1 == false) { print(" XY-scale (nm/px): " +xy_scale); print(" Z-scale (nm/px): " +z_scale); print(" Voxel size (nm^3): " +d2s(voxel_unit, 0)); } print(" Subtracted background (px value): " +bg); print(" Threshold - Particles (px value): " +thd_lower); if (R3 || R5 == true) { print(" Mean intensity of a single particle (px value): " +mean_id);} print(" Include particles larger than (voxels): " +obj_min_vol); print(" and smaller than (voxels): " +obj_max_vol); if (exclude == true) { print(" Exclude objects on edges: yes"); } else { print(" Exclude objects on edges: no");} if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { print(""); print(" Threshold - Cell (px value): " +thd_c_lower); if (M1 == true) { print(" Mask-1 (Automatic threshold)");} if (M2 == true) { print(" Mask-2");} print(" Segmentation strategy: " +seg); print(" Membrane Region-3D:"); print(" Width (px, XY-scale): " +w); print(" Width (µm): " +d2s(((w*xy_scale)/1000), 3)); print(" Off-set (px, XY-scale): " +w_offset); } print(""); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (R1 == false) { print("RESULTS"); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (R2 || R3 == true) { print(" CELL:"); print(" Volume (voxels): " +cell_vol); print(" Volume (µm^3): " +d2s(cell_vol_u, 1)); print(" Intracellular volume (voxels): " +cell_vol_in); print(" Intracellular volume (µm^3): " +d2s(cell_vol_in_u, 1)); print(" Area of basal membrane (px): " +d2s(area_basal, 1)); print(" Area of basal membrane (µm^2): " +d2s(area_basal_u, 1)); print(" Area of apical membrane (px): " +d2s(area_apical, 1)); print(" Area of apical membrane (µm^2): " +d2s(area_apical_u, 1)); print(" NUMBER OF OBJECTS:"); print(" Intracellular: " +obj_c_in); print(" Apical membrane region: " +obj_c_memb); print(" Basal membrane region: " +obj_c_memb_basal); print(" Total: " +obj_c); } if (R3 == true) { print(" NUMBER OF PARTICLES:"); print(" Intracellular: " +nps_in); print(" Apical membrane region: " +nps_memb); print(" Basal membrane region: " +nps_memb_basal); print(" Total: " +nps_total); print(" DENSITY OF PARTICLES:"); print(" Intracellular (particles/1000*µm^3): " +d2s(1000 * nps_in / cell_vol_in_u, 1)); print(" Whole cell (particles/1000*µm^3): " +d2s(1000 * nps_total / cell_vol_u, 1)); print(" Apical membrane (particles/100*µm^2): " +d2s(100 * nps_memb / area_apical_u, 1)); print(" Basal membrane (particles/100*µm^2): " +d2s(100 * nps_memb_basal / area_basal_u, 1)); } if (R2 || R3 == true) { print(" PIXEL INTENSITY OF PARTICLES:"); print(" Intracellular: " +total_id_in); print(" Apical membrane region: " +total_id_memb); print(" Basal membrane region: " +total_id_memb_basal); print(" Total: " +total_id); } if (R4 || R5 == true) { print(" Number of Objects: " +obj_c+"");} if (R5 == true) { print(" Pixel intensity (total): " +total_id); print(" Number of particles: " +nps_total); print(" Volume analyzed (voxels): " +cell_vol); print(" Volume analyzed (µm^3): " +d2s(cell_vol_u, 1)); print(" Number density (particles/1000*µm^3): " +d2s(1000 * nps_total / cell_vol_u, 1)); } print(""); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); print("TABLE WITH DETAILED RESULTS AT:"); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); print(" File: _RESULTS-"+ nps_name + ".xls"); print(" Directory: "+ dir_res +""); print(""); print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } print(" ***End***"); // 11.1 SAVING FILES AND VISUALIZATION OF RESULTS // Saving the Report of Results selectWindow("Log"); saveAs("text", dir_res + "_ANALYSIS_REPORT-" + nps_name + ".txt"); selectWindow("Log"); run("Close"); run("Text File... ", "open=[" + dir_res + "_ANALYSIS_REPORT-" + nps_name + ".txt]"); if (R1 || R2 || R3 == true) { open(nps_uptake); setSlice(slice_max); run("Orthogonal Views"); } if (R4 || R5 == true) { open(nps_smo); setSlice(slice_max); open(nps_seg); setSlice(slice_max); run("Tile"); } exit("Particle_in_Cell-3D\n \nProcessing is finished!")