FAQ: How to find the code behind a given menu command?
You can look in the IJ_Props.txt file the exact plugin called by a given menu command.
For example for the 'Make Binary' menu entry, the IJ_Props.txt file reads
binary01="Make Binary",ij.plugin.Thresholder
You'll find a copy of the IJ_Props.txt file in your ij.jar
file or at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/download/IJ_Props.txt
Then visit the source code page at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/developer/source/index.html
and go to the correct class, in our example the ij.plugin.Thresholder
Another option to discover which class is called by a given menu item, is to enable the debug mode by checking the 'debug mode' checkbox under Edit/Options/Misc…
dialog, run the investigated function from the menus and read the log output.
For our example, the debug log reads :
actionPerformed: time=1228576256194, java.awt.event.ActionEvent[ACTION_PERFORMED, cmd=Make Binary,when=1228576256194,modifiers=] on menuitem1 runPlugin: ij.plugin.Thresholder
"Fiji" case
With “Fiji” ImageJ version, the IJ_Props.txt file don't contain all menu descriptions.
For example, the menu “Analyze / Directionality” isn't in “IJ_Props.txt” file and the “Debug mode” solution log :
actionPerformed: time=12512156, java.awt.event.ActionEvent[ACTION_PERFORMED, cmd=Directionality,when=1339586662984,modifiers=] on menuitem0 runPlugin: fiji.analyze.directionality.Directionality_
This plugin is stored in the following file : “Fiji.app\plugins\Directionality_.jar”
You can see the link between the plugin and the menu in the text file “Fiji.app\plugins\Directionality_.jar\plugins.config” :
# Directionality, builder Jean-Yves Tinevez Analyze, "Directionality", fiji.analyze.directionality.Directionality_