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Links to other ImageJ or image analysis/processing sources in the web.


Conferences on Image Processing

Image analysis

  • Morphology Digest
    The Morphology Digest list provides a communication channel between people interested in mathematical morphology and morphological image analysis.

Spectral imaging

  • Fluorescent Spectra Interactive Database
    An excellent interactive site to combine and compare any and all combinations of fluorescent molecules, filters, mirrors and excitation sources.
  • PubSpectra
    PubSpectra has links to files containing dye/protein, filters and light sources/other spectra. The non-spectral section contains links and information on over 5000 dyes, over 1000 fluorescent proteins and specifications on hundreds of objective lenses.

Test images

  • The USC-SIPI Image Database
    A number of test images and sequences.
  • Brodatz textures
    A collection of textured images.
  • Graphic Image formats
    A programmer's file and data format resource. The site contains information on hundreds of different file types, data types, hardware interface details and other useful programming information; algorithms, source code, specifications, etc.


  • Mustang (Java SE 6)
    Source and binary snapshots of the latest Mustang version
  • Eclipse
    An extensible development platform and application framework for building software
  • NetBeans IDE
    Open source Java development environment and rich-client platform
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