−Table of Contents
This submenu lists a number of useful utilities.
Control Panel...
This command opens a window containing ImageJ commands in a hierarchical tree structure. Click on a leaf node to launch the corresponding ImageJ command (or plugin). Double-click on a tree branch node (folder) to expand or collapse it. Click and drag on a tree branch node (folder) to display its descendants in a separate (child) window. In a child window, click on “Show Parent”to re-open the parent window. The Control Panel was contributed to the ImageJ project by Cezar M. Tigaret.
ImageJ Properties...
This commands writes a nymber of ImageJ properties (Java version, OS name and version, files , path and line separators, location of directories, screen size, etc) to a text window.
List Commands...
This commands produces a list in a text file of all commands available in ImageJ and the plugins they call.
List Shortcuts...
This commands produces a list (in a text window) of some of the keyboard shortcuts available in ImageJ and the command they call. For the comprehensive list, please see here.
This commands shows in a text window the currents threads running and their priorities.
This runs a benchmarking macro that performs a number of imaging procedures. The benchmark is reported in the status bar. This gives you an idea of the performance of your current setup.
This command allows to reset Locked Images, the Clipboard or the Undo Buffer, depending on the option chosen.
Some plugins or procedures lock temporarily the images to guarantee that they are not being modified by other procedures. If for some reason there is an error or interruption in a plugin/macro, the images could remain locked. The Locked Image command unlocks those images.
Monitor Memory...
Displays a continuously updated graph of ImageJ's memory utilization, which can be useful for detecting memory leaks. Ideally you should be able to open a several images, process them, close them, and the amount of memory used will be the same as when you started. Clicking on ImageJ's status bar, which forces the Java garbage collector run, may help reclaim unused memory. Start the memory monitor with the alt key down to have it use a 640×480 window that simulates how a frame grabber plugin would work.
Searches recursively for a particular string (case sensitive or not) contained in the file names or in files in a chosen directory tree. The result is reported in the Log window (if the Search Contents option is checked, the line number where the string was found is also reported). There is an option to search in the Macros Folder.
Capture Screen
Copies the the screen to an RGB image and displays that image in a new window. Pressing Control-Shift-g will capture the screen while a modal dialog box is active if the dialog is based on ImageJ's GenericDialog class. Requires Java 1.3 or later and ImageJ 1.32e or later.
Update ImageJ...
Upgrades ImageJ to the latest ij.jar at rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/upgrade/, or downgrades to earlier versions of ImageJ. Select “daily build” from the drop down menu and it will upgrade to the latest daily build at rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/ij.jar.