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How to Import Compressed Videos into ImageJ in Windows

The following instructions explain how to import a wide variety of compressed videos into ImageJ run on windows. ImageJ alone can only import uncompressed videos. The Quicktime Opener plugin can be used to open videos compatible with Quicktime for Windows. However, many videos cannot be imported by either of these methods, particularly those using modern codecs like DivX or Xvid. The following outlines how to import AVIs compressed with any installed windows codec. It should also work with other video file formats provided AviSynth (with the help of the necessary AviSynth plugins) can read the file and codec.


  1. Install all of the following
    Pismo File Mount
  2. Use notepad to create an avisynth script for the video you want to load.
    Script contents:

    Save as videofilename.avs (THAT 'S' IN *.AVS IS IMPORTANT)

  3. Mount the videofilename.avs file
    Right click in explorer and choose “Quick mount”
    This creates a mounted (fake) folder, inside of which will be a new version of the video named videofilename.avi (i.e., the same as the original)
    NOTE: If you decide you want to delete the videofilename.avs file and corresponding folder, you must first right click and 'Unmount' the avs file.
  4. In ImageJ, click File>Import>AVI, and then just select the newly created videofilename.avi inside the mounted folder

You have now imported the AVI. This will work for any AVI file provided AviSynth can read the file, which will include any AVI file for which the codecs are installed in Windows.

Windows Batch Files to Speed Things Up

Just double click the batch files to perform their actions.

  1. To create and mount avs files for all videos in a folder, open notepad, save the file as “multiavscreatemount.bat”, paste the following code in, and save again
    for %%a IN (dir /b *.avi) do call :avscreate %%a
    if (%1)==(dir) GOTO eof
    echo AVISource("%1")> %1.avs
    echo ConvertToRGB24()>> %1.avs
    pfm mount %1.avs
    GOTO :eof
  2. To unmount and delete avs files for all videos in a folder, open notepad, save the file as “multiunmountdel.bat”, paste the following code in, and save again
    for %%a IN (dir /b *.avs) do call :unmount %%a
    if (%1)==(dir) GOTO eof
    pfm unmount %1
    del %1
    GOTO :eof
howto/working/how_to_import_compressed_videos_into_imagej_in_windows.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/12 13:13 by

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