//Example macro that does a diffusion analysis on a results table of tracking //data. The required format is as generated by the Manual Tracking plugin // //assuming Results table column headings: Track > Slice > X > Y //It requires many tracks and many time points! //The analysis uses the time ensemble average method described in Charsooghi, MA et al 2011 // //Get number of tracks (nTracks) nTracks = 0; for (a=0; a<nResults(); a++) { if (getResult("Track",a)>nTracks) { nTracks = getResult("Track",a); } else{}; } //Find the track length for each track - write track length to results table //some variables Track=1; L_Track=0; //work though tracks and determine length for (i=0; i<nResults(); i++){ if (getResult("Track", i)==Track) {L_Track++;} else { //Do this if its the first track if(Track==1){ for (j=(i-L_Track); j<i; j++){ setResult("T_Length", j, L_Track); } L_Track=0; Track++; //Do this if its in the middle L_Track=1; } else {for (j=(i-L_Track); j<i; j++){ setResult("T_Length", j, L_Track); } L_Track=1; Track++; } } } //Do this to get the last track L_Track=0; for (j=0; j<nResults; j++) { if (getResult("Track", j)==nTracks) {L_Track++;} } for (k=0; k<nResults; k++) { if (getResult("Track", k)==nTracks) {setResult("T_Length", k, L_Track); } } updateResults(); //get last slice maxslice = 0; for (b=0; b<nResults(); b++) { if (getResult("Slice",b)>maxslice) { maxslice = getResult("Slice",b); } else{}; } //get first slice minslice = maxslice; for (c=0; c<nResults(); c++) { if (getResult("Slice",c)<minslice) { minslice = getResult("Slice",c); } else{}; } //The window sizes for analysis range from 1-step to - maxslice-1 //Calculate squared dispalcement from tracking data for all possible window sizes MSD = newArray(); time = newArray(); divide=0; r_total=0; dis2 = 0; for (u=1; u<(maxslice); u++) { for (i=0; i<nResults(); i++){ if (getResult("Slice", i)<=u) {} else{ if (getResult("Track", i)>getResult("Track", i-u)) {} else { if (getResult("T_Length", i)>=u && getResult("Track", i-u)==getResult("Track", i)) { B9 = getResult("X", i); B8 = getResult("X", i-u); C9 = getResult("Y", i); C8 = getResult("Y", i-u); disx2 = (B9-B8)*(B9-B8); disy2 = (C9-C8)*(C9-C8); dis2 = (disx2 + disy2); r_total = r_total+dis2; divide++; } } } } time = Array.concat(time, u); MSD = Array.concat(MSD, (r_total)/divide); r_total=0; divide=0; } Fit.doFit("Straight Line", time, MSD); intercept = d2s(Fit.p(0),6); slope = d2s(Fit.p(1),6); r2 = d2s(Fit.rSquared,3); print("slope = "+slope); print("intercept = "+intercept); print("R^2 = "+r2); Fit.plot(); //Richard Mort 26/01/2013
macro/diffusion_analysis_time_ensemble_average.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/04/12 13:13 by