Import Zeiss lookup tables
This macro imports a Zeiss lookuptable file, as found in the AIM or ZEN software, and applies it to the current image.
- Apply Zeiss Lut.txt
// This macro imports a Zeiss lookuptable file, as found in the AIM or ZEN software. // and applies it to the current image. // jm at ibmp dot fr // checks if the current image can accept a lookup table. if (bitDepth==24) exit ("RGB images cannot have lookup tables"); // selects a file and checks if it complies with the announced Zeiss Confocal Palette file format path=File.openDialog("Select Zeiss LUT to apply"); s=File.openAsRawString(path,50000); if (!startsWith(s,"CZ - LSM510 Color Palette , Version 1.00")) exit ("Not a Zeiss LUT definition file."); // reads the palette's name's length, and the palette's name itself, and finds out the offset to the palette data nameLength=read32int(41); nameString=substring(s,45,45+nameLength); lutOffset=46+nameLength; // creates three 8-bit arrays and fills them with each 16th value read from the 12bit to 12bit Zeiss palette. r=newArray(256); g=newArray(256); b=newArray(256); for (i=0;i<256;i++) { r[i]=parseInt(read16int(lutOffset+i*16*2))*255/0xfff; g[i]=parseInt(read16int(lutOffset+i*16*2+4096*2))*255/0xfff; b[i]=parseInt(read16int(lutOffset+i*16*2+4096*2*2))*255/0xfff; } // applies the 8-bit palette to the current image setLut(r,g,b); // end of macro : displays a success message showStatus(nameString+" Zeiss LUT Applied"); function read32int(n) { return charCodeAt(s,n)+charCodeAt(s,n+1)<<8+charCodeAt(s,n+2)<<16+charCodeAt(s,n+3)<<24; } function read16int(n) { return charCodeAt(s,n)+charCodeAt(s,n+1)<<8; }
Here is a montage of all Lookuptables available in the ZEN software.
macro/importzeisslut.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/04/12 13:13 by