Table of Contents
Colocalization Finder
- Christophe Laummonerie
- Jerome Mutterer, CNRS.
- Philippe Carl (maintainer), UMR7213, Strasbourg, France
- 2004/02/02: First version
- 2005/01/28: Version 1.1: statistical methods added.
- 2006/08/29: Version 1.2
- ratio bars non destructively displayed
- works with any closed ROI
- Fire LUT better diplayed
- You now have to click in the ROI to update overaly image(s) and statistics
- 2016/03/21: Version 1.3
- replacement of the deprecated functions (getBoundingRect, IJ.write) by the new ones
- extension of the plugin for whatever picture dynamics
- addition of a plot (with legends, ticks (minor and major), labels) within the scatter plot
- the selected points within the overlay picture are updated as soon as the ROI in the scatter plot is modified or dragged over
- possibility to move the ROI position (within the scatter plot) from the mouse position within the overlay picture
- possibility to set ROIs with given colors with a mouse double click
- possibility to generate the x or y histogram with a Gaussian fit in order to extract the histogram maximum position by using the numeric pad 4/6 or 2/8 keys
- 2019/10/14: Version 1.4:
- colocalization calculations are performed using double parameters instead of float
- 2021/01/28: Version 1.6:
- possibility to choose the size of the scatter plot upon start of the plugin
- addition of a label panel at the bottom of the scatterPlot picture displaying the limits of the scatterPlot Roi selection
- addition of a “Set” button at the bottom left of the scatterPlot picture allowing so set the limits of the scatterPlot graph and/or of the scatterPlot Roi (the 'g' key gives the same features)
- the possibility to set ROIs with given colors with a mouse double click has been erased (due to the ImageJ 1.53c 26 June 2020 update) and replaced by a Ctrl + mouse click user action
- Source: Contained in the JAR file.
- Installation: Download Colocalization_Finder.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will the “Colocalization Finder…” new command in the Plugins menu.
This plugin displays a correlation diagram for two images (8bits, same size). Drawing a rectangular selection on this diagram allows you to highlight corresponding pixels on a RGB overlap of the original images, and if selected, on a 3rd image. Analysis can be restricted to pixels having values with a minimum ratio. Selection settings are logged to a results window.
Parts of this code were taken from plugins by W. Rasband, P. Bourdoncle, and G. Chinga.
Example results:
The results table with computer Pearson's correlation, Overlap coefficient, contribution of both channels to OC, Slope and intercept of the linear regression,% pixels selected, min and max in both channels.
plugin/analysis/colocalizationfinder/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/07 10:21 by mutterer