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Morphological Operators for ImageJ
A collection of ImageJ plugins to perform various morphological operations.
All plugins are recordable. Some macros that make use of those plugins are also included.
The Morphology collection and the documentation are based at
The plugins and macros include:
- BinaryConditionalDilate_.class,
- BinaryConditionalErode_.class
- BinaryConnectivity_.class
- BinaryDilate_.class
- BinaryDilateNoMerge4_.class
- BinaryDilateNoMerge8_.class
- BinaryErode_.class
- BinaryPrune.txt (macro)
- BinaryFill_.class
- Fill_Border_Holes.txt
- Hole_Counter.txt
- FillHolesReconstruct.txt
- BinaryFilterReconstruct_.class
- BinaryHitOrMiss_.class
- Corners.txt
- BinaryLabel8_.class
- BinaryReconstruct_.class
- Hysteresis.txt
- BinaryKillBorders_.txt
- BinaryThick_.class
- BinaryThick2_.class
- ConvexHull1.txt
- ConvexHull2.txt
- ConvexHull3.txt
- BinaryThin_.class
- BinaryThin2_.class
- Boundary4.txt
- Boundary8.txt
- Diagonal8to4.txt
- H-break.txt
- Influence_Zones.txt
- MCentroids.txt
- Prune1.txt
- PruneAll.txt
- Skeleton1.txt
- Skeleton2.txt
- Skeleton3.tx
- Domes_.class
- Domes_stack.txt
- RegionalMaxima.txt
- RegionalMinMax.txt
- RegionalMinima.txt
- LocalMaxima.txt
- LocalMinMax.txt
- LocalMinima.txt
- GreyscaleDilate_.class
- GreyscaleErode_.class
- GreyscaleTopHat.txt
- GreyscaleWell.txt
- GreyscaleProperOpen.txt
- GreyscaleProperClose.txt
- GreyscaleProperAutomedian.txt
- GreyscaleReconstruct_.class
- MorphologicalGradient1.txt
- MorphologicalGradient2.txt
- MorphologicalGradient3.txt
- MorphologicalSharpGradient.txt
- Morphological2Derivative1.txt
- Morphological2Derivative2.txt
- Morphological2Derivative3.txt
- MorphologicalSmoothing1.txt
- MorphologicalSmoothing2.txt
- EDM_16bits.txt
- Particles4_.class
- Particles8_.class
- Particles8_Plus.class
- KeepLargestParticle.txt
- KeepLargestParticlePixels.txt
- KeepParticlesInRange.txt
- Classify_Particles.class
— Gabriel Landini 2008/10/02 13:56
plugin/morphology/morphological_operators_for_imagej/start.1602793770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/15 22:29 by glandini