Table of Contents
Chow and Kaneko binarization
This plugin perform a binarization using Chow and Kaneko algorithm.
This plugin binarize a grayscale image using a threshold map. Local thresholds are calculated on a grid by Otsu method and interpolated to the full-size image.
Plugin example
Other plugins examples
Results with ImageJ existing (2013/01/17) auto local theshold methods (Bernsen, Mean, Median, MidGrey, NiBlack et Sauvola [rayon:15]) :
Plugin download
Plugin installation
Copy the .jar file to your plugins directory and restart “ImageJ”.
You can use the script by menu “ImageJ / Adjust / Chow and Kaneko binarization”
Source files
GPL distribution (see licence ). Sources for plugins are available freely. Sources for core are available on request.
Vincent Vansuyt.
Contact me for any questions or suggestions : vincent dot vansuyt at edf dot fr (preferred language : french)
First version
Know bugs