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This free code is an ImageJ plugin that allows one to count the number of synapses of a neuron.
This plugin, is a joint work between the team "Structural Synaptic Plasticity" of SpineUp and "Programming and Symbolic Computation Team” of University of La Rioja.
Gadea Mata Martínez (gadea.mata at gmail dot com or gadea.mata at unirioja dot es)
This plugin save all and close the opened images in the selected folder. If the image is a stack, the plugin separate each slices in a new image, and record each slice like a new image.
Version 1.0: (January 2014) Fixed bugs and improved. Save all and close the opened images in the selected folder. This plugin can work with a stack from a sequence of images too. If the input is a stack of images, the plugin creates its Z projection with the maximun intensity and separates all slices, to save them in the selected folder.
Download SaveAll_.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ / Fiji or refresh menu (Help → 'Refresh Menu') , and there will be a new “SaveAllImages” command in the Plugins menu, or submenu.
Version 0.1: (This plugin can work with a stack from a sequence of images)
Download Save_All.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ / Fiji or refresh menu (Help → 'Refresh Menu') , and there will be a new “Save All” command in the Plugins menu, or submenu.
Version 0.0: (Save all and close the opened images in the selected folder)
Source: Save
Download Save_All.class to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ / Fiji or refresh menu (Help → 'Refresh Menu') , and there will be a new “Save All” command in the Plugins menu, or submenu.
The program is open source; you can redistribute is and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General public License.
We truly hope that this program is useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Feel free to improve or adjust it for your needs.