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Normalized Variance

A macro to determine image focal quality image-wide (not ROI-wide).

// A macro to determine image focal quality image-wide (not ROI-wide)
// Based on algorithm F-11 "Normalized Variance"
// In: Sun et al., 2004. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE 65, 139–149.
// Version: 0.3 
// Date: 11/07/2006 
// Author: Andy Weller
macro "Normalized_Variance" {
run("Clear Results");
run("Set Measurements...", "  mean redirect=None decimal=5");
mean = getResult("Mean");
W = getWidth();
H = getHeight();
b = 0;
normVar = 0; // Set to 0 which is out of focus
for (j=0; j<H; j++) {
   for (i=0; i<W; i++) {
      p = getPixel(i,j);
      t = (p-mean)*(p-mean);
      b += t;
normVar = b/(H*W*mean); // Maximum value is best-focused, decreasing as defocus increases
print(normVar); // This can also (should) be changed to return(normVar)

Andy Weller 2008/10/24 11:45

macro/normalized_variance.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/12 13:13 by

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